Figure 1 of Kobayashi, Mol Vis 2016; 22:436-445.

Figure 1. Concentrations of tenascin-C in the vitreous collected from eyes with a macular hole (MH) or eyes with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). A: Tenascin-C concentrations in vitreous samples collected from eyes with a macular hole (MH; n=41) and eyes with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR; n = 133). B and C: Correlations between vitreous concentrations of tenascin-C and periostin (B), or tenascin-C and VEGF (C) in eyes with PDR (n = 133). B: There is a significant correlation between the vitreous concentration of tenascin-C and periostin (r = 0.470, P <0.001; Spearman correlation coefficient). C: There is a weak correlation between tenascin-C and VEGF in the same patients with PDR (r = 0.198, P = 0.040; Spearman correlation coefficient). D: Vitreous concentrations of tenascin-C in eyes with fibrovascular membranes (FVMs; n=90) compared to those eyes without (n=43). *p <0.05, **p <0.001. Bars are mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). N is number of patients.