Table1 of Liu, Mol Vis 2016; 22:352-361.

Table1. Demographic and clinical data of wet AMD and control.

Number Wet AMD Control P
Wet AMD treatment-naïve recurrent
16 7 9 12 -
Age (yr, mean±SD) 69.7±7.6 70.9±10.0 68.8±5.6 68.5±7.5 0.683, 0.758§
Male/Female (Male %) 9/7 (56) 3/4 (43) 6/3 (67) 7/5 (58) 0.912, 0.341§
BCVA 39.27±16.61 39.17±19.47 39.33±15.68 - 0.689
GLD of lesion 4833.3±1693.62 5110.10±1947.90 4618.00±1553.44 - 0.681
MRT 524.12±197.60 410.43±180.00 612.56±169.72 - 0.055
MNT 345.94±92.28 299.86±74.54 381.78±92.17 - 0.071
Presence of IRF (%) 8(50) 0(0) 8(88.9) - 0.001||
Presence of SRF (%) 10(62.5) 3(42.9) 7(77.8) - 0.302
Presence of SRH (%) 10(62.5) 6(85.7) 4(44.4) - 0.145
Presence of HF (%) 9(56.3) 3(42.9) 6(66.7) - 0.615
Presence of PED (%) 11(68.8) 5(71.4) 6(66.7) - 1