Figure 5 of Xu, Mol Vis 2016; 22:275-283.

Figure 5. Human Müller cells exhibit molecular circadian rhythms that depend on Bmal1. A: Bioluminescence rhythms from the human Müller cells transduced with Per2::luc lentivirus. B: Bioluminescence rhythms from the human Müller cells transduced with Per2::luc lentivirus and control siRNA. C: Bioluminescence rhythms from the human Müller cells transduced with Per2::luc lentivirus and Lipofectamine. D: Bioluminescence rhythms from the human Müller cells transduced with Per2::luc lentivirus and Per1 siRNA. E: Bioluminescence rhythms from the human Müller cells transduced with Bmal1::luc lentivirus and Per2 siRNA. Absence of bioluminescence rhythms from the human Müller cells transduced with Per2::luc lentivirus and Bmal1 siRNA.