Table 2 of Chaney, Mol Vis 2016; 22:1468-1489.

Table 2. Cell-specific primary antibodies used for immunohistochemistry.

Primary Antigen Imunogen Source Catalog. No. Target Host Dilution
CHX10 Recombinant amino acids 1-131 N-terminal of human protein Exalpha Biologicals X1180P RPCs in development
Bipolar cells in adult Sheep 1:200
CcnD1 Recombinant fusion protein from mouse Santa Cruz SC-450 Proliferative RPCs Mouse 1:200
PCNA Purified PCNA Chemicon MA4076 Proliferative RPCs Mouse 1:100
PKCα Protein kinase C alpha AbD Serotec MCA1572 Rod bipolars mouse 1:100
PMCA Purified human erythrocyte ATPas Affinity Bioreagents MA3-914 OPL, IPL some amacrine and bipolar cells Mouse 1:500
Recoverin KLH-conjugated linear peptide corresponding to a sequence from the EF-hand 4 domain of human recoverin Chemicon AB5585 Photoreceptors Rabbit 1:1500
Rhodopsin Bovine rhodopsin C-terminus, last 9 amino acids Chemicon MAB5356 Rod photoreceptors Mouse 1:5000
Secretagogin Amino acids 186-276 C-Terminus of SCGN of human origin Santa Cruz SC-135395 Cone bipolars Rabbit 1:1000
SV2B amino acids 1-126 mapping at the rat N-terminust Gift from Roger Janz   Photoreceptor and bipolar cell ribbon synapses Rabbit 1:1000
TRPM1 Synthetic peptide of transient potential cation, subfamily M, member 1 variant delta Osenses OST00037W Dendrites of ON bipolar cells Sheep 1:300
VGluT1 Synthetic peptide from rat VGLUT1 protein Chemicon AB5905 Synaptic layers Guinea Pig 1:1000