Appendix 8 of Wizeman, Mol Vis 2016; 22:1137-1155.

Appendix 8. Response of citrullinated proteins to Cl−amidine dosage in posterior eyecup explant culture.

To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 8.” Mouse eyes were injured and left to recover for 7 days in vivo. On day 7, eyes were enucleated and intact posterior eyecups were placed into culture with vehicle DMSO (lane 1) or different concentrations of Cl−amidine (lanes 2–4) for 3 days. Retinochoroidal tissues from the posterior eyecups were extracted and soluble fractions analyzed by western blotting for citrullinated proteins (F95 antibody), and subsequently, for β-tubulin on the same membrane for loading control.