Table 4 of Ambreen, Mol Vis 2015; 21:985-999.

Table 4. Levels of IL-6 (pg/ml), IL-8 (pg/ml), VEGF (pg/ml) and CRP (ng/ml) with respect to pattern of AMD.

Protein N IL-6 IL-8 VEGF CRP
Maculopathy 32 11.71±0.94 13.73±0.81 17.03±0.97 3.90±0.91
Exudative 40 9.83±0.40 13.30±0.56 18.81±0.54 4.26±0.62
Atrophic 18 10.94±0.47 12.94±0.59 18.79±0.60 2.83±0.61
p Value - 0.058 0.284 0.249 0.280