Table 4 of Ren, Mol Vis 2015; 21:948-954.

Table 4. The frequencies of KIR centromeric (Cen) and telomeric (Tel) gene content motifs in healthy controls and EDE patients.

Motifs# Healthy controls DED patients OR (95% CI) p value PC
+ gf(%) + gf (%)
Centromeric (2DS2, 2DL2, 2DL3)
Cen-A/A 163 74.09 56 70.89 0.85(0.48–1.51) 0.581
Cen-A/B 43 19.55 12 15.19 0.74(0.37–1.48) 0.391
Cen-B/B 14 6.36 11 13.92 2.38(1.03–5.49) 0.037* ﹥0.05
Telomeric (3DL1, 3DS1, 2DS1, 2DS4)
Tel-A/A 149 67.73 51 64.56 0.87(0.51–1.49) 0.608
Tel-A/B 38 17.27 17 21.52 1.31(0.69–2.49) 0.403
Tel-B/B 33 15 11 13.92 0.92(0.44–1.91) 0.817