Table 3 of Ren, Mol Vis 2015; 21:948-954.

Table 3. The frequencies of KIR genotypes A/A, A/B and B/B and haplotypes A and B, observed in healthy controls and DED patients.

Genotyping Healthy controls DED patients OR(95%CI) p value PC
+ % + %
KIR genotypes gf gf (n=3)
A/A 116 52.73 35 44.3 0.71(0.43–1.20) 0.199
A/B 87 39.55 31 39.24 0.99(0.58–1.67) 0.962
B/B 17 7.73 13 16.46 2.35(1.09–5.10) 0.027* ﹥0.05
KIR haplotypes hf hf (n=2)
A 319 72.5 101 63.92 0.67(0.46–0.98) 0.043* ﹥0.05
B 121 27.5 57 36.08 1.49(1.01–2.19) 0.043* ﹥0.05