Figure 5 of Asnaghi, Mol Vis 2015; 21:919-929.

Figure 5. Snail1 downregulation reduces invasion in uveal melanoma cells. A-B: Protein and mRNA levels of Snail1 were determined respectively by western blot (A) and qPCR (B) in 92.1 cells transduced with Snail1 shRNA. Scrambled shRNA was used as a control. Data shown are mean ± SD; **p = 0.006; ***p = 0.0002 versus sh-Scramble. C: An MTS assay was performed in 92.1 cells transduced with Snail1 shRNA as compared to scrambled shRNA. D: An invasion assay in 92.1 cells shows a reduction in the ability of the cells to invade Matrigel following the downregulation of Snail1. Microphotographs in the right panels show the invading cells on the lower side of a Matrigel-coated membrane; ***p = 0.0002 versus sh-Scramble.