Table 3 of Fang, Mol Vis 2015; 21:901-910.

Table 3. The frequency of IFN-γ+ and IL-4+ cells on stimulated and unstimulated lymphocytes (%, mean±SD)

Positive cells Group Stimulated Unstimulated t p value
IFN-γ+ cells PDR 20.26±5.26 1.30±0.66 −13.638 0.000
DM-NDR 14.91±6.86 1.25±0.43 −7.144 0.000
Control 10.59±4.87 1.17±0.98 −6.850 0.000
IL-4+ cells PDR 4.77±1.46 2.01±1.06 −3.882 0.001
DM-NDR 3.63±1.13 2.34±1.14 −2.157 0.047
Control 3.67±1.24 1.37±0.55 −3.966 0.001