Figure 3 of Huang, Mol Vis 2015; 21:711-717.

Figure 3. Western blot and RT–PCR analysis of WWOX expression in pterygium. A: Western blot analysis of WWOX. Pterygium and conjunctiva lysates (n=8/group) were analyzed with western blot with antibodies against WOX and p-WOX1. Pterygium and conjunctiva lysates (n=8/group) were analyzed with western blot with antibodies against WOX and p-WOX1. The expression levels were normalized with β-actin. Western blots from three independent experiments were analyzed with densitometry. The indicated fold changes represent the density relative to the conjunctiva, * p<0.05 compared with the conjunctiva. B: The mRNA expression amounts of WOX1 (n=8/group), after normalizing to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), were significantly higher in the head and body of the pterygium tissue compared with the conjunctiva. * p<0.05.