Table 6 of Hu, Mol Vis 2015; 21:589-603.

Table 6. The combined study genotype and allele frequencies of rs1800871 in BD patients and controls according to the Clinical features.

SNPs Allele Case Control P value Pc value OR(95%CI)
(frequency) (frequency)
Genital ulcers C C 19(0.046) 210(0.120) 1.15×10−5 1.38×10−4 0.354(0.219–0.574)
C T 17(0.431) 839(0.479) 0.081 NS 0.825(0.665–1.024)
T T 21(0.523) 704(0.402) 7.11×10−6 8.53×10−5 1.634(1.317–2.026)
C 21(0.262) 1259(0.359) 1.01×10−7 1.21×10−6 0.632(0.533–0.749)
T 61(0.738) 2247(0.641) 1.01×10−7 1.21×10−6 1.582(1.335–1.875)
Skin lesions C C 28(0.052) 210(0.120) 6.63×10−6 7.96×10−5 0.403(0.269–0.606)
C T 21(0.405) 839(0.479) 0.003 0.036 0.742(0.610–0.903)
T T 29(0.543) 704(0.402) 7.59×10−9 9.11×10−8 1.769(1.456–2.149)
C 27(0.255) 1259(0.359) 2.13×10−10 2.56×10−9 0.610(0.523–0.711)
T 80(0.745) 2247(0.641) 2.13×10−10 2.56×10−9 1.640(1.407–1.912)
Arthritis C C 7(0.071) 210(0.120) 0.14 NS 0.559(0.256–1.222)
C T 47(0.475) 839(0.479) 0.94 NS 0.985(0.656–1.477)
T T 45(0.454) 704(0.402) 0.296 NS 1.242(0.827–1.865)
C 61(0.308) 1259(0.359) 0.145 NS 0.795(0.583–1.083)
T 137(0.692) 2247(0.641) 0.145 NS 1.258(0.923–1.715)
Positive pathergy test C C 5(0.030) 210(0.120) 0.001 0.012 0.231(0.094–0.569)
C T 71(0.433) 839(0.479) 0.263 NS 0.832(0.602–1.149)
T T 88(0.537) 704(0.402) 0.001 0.012 1.725(1.251–2.379)
C 81(0.247) 1259(0.359) 4.63×10−5 5.56×10−4 0.585(0.451–0.759)
T 247(0.753) 2247(0.641) 4.63×10−5 5.56×10−4 1.709(1.317–2.216)