Table 3 of Kim, Mol Vis 2015; 21:548-554.

Table 3. SNP association of CAV1 and CAV2 expression.

Cell type(ethnicity) n CAV1 CAV2
β or ρa p β or ρa p
Adipose (CEU) 856 −0.32 3.9×10−23 −0.11 0.00027
Skin (CEU) 856 −0.22 3.0×10−18 −0.11 0.00014
LCL (CEU) 856 −0.027 0.00013 0.045 4.9×10−8
LCL (CHB)a 80 −0.11 0.33 0.68 2.8×10−12
LCL (JPT)a 82 0.11 0.92 0.82 9.5×10−21
Adipose (CEU) 856 −0.28 5.8×10−16 −0.067 0.031
Skin (CEU) 856 −0.20 4.0×10−13 −0.11 0.00041
LCL (CEU) 856 −0.030 0.000085 0.0098 0.27