Figure 1 of Qu, Mol Vis 2015; 21:391-402.

Figure 1. Linkage disequilibrium structure of the SNPs and haplotype blocks analyzed by Haploview 4.2 software. The D’ value of each SNP pair is expressed as a percentage and shown within the respective square (D’= 1 not shown). Higher D’ values are indicated in brighter red. A: LD plot of four SNPs of the DC-SIGN gene in 109 study subjects. The four SNPs constitute two haplotype blocks, with substantial LD among the SNPs of both blocks (block 1: D’ =0.95; block 2: D’=1.00). B: LD plot of four SNPs of the Dectin-1 gene in 109 study subjects. The four SNPs constitute a haplotype block spanning 0.2 kb of the Dectin-1 gene, and the magnitude of LD between each SNP was extremely high, with pair-wise D’ ≥0.92.