Figure 5 of Marmorstein, Mol Vis 2015; 21:347-359.

Figure 5. Effect of ATP on transepithelial electrical properties of fhRPE monolayers. Representative recordings from monolayers expressing endogenous hBest1 (control) or overexpressing hBest1 or hBest1W93C (W93C) in response to a 50 µM ATP stimulus are shown in A. TEP (B) increased in controls and cells expressing hBest1W93C in response to ATP, but diminished significantly in cells overexpressing hBest1. Vertical bars in the recordings in A correspond to the voltage deflection induced by a 10 µA bipolar current pulse used to determine TER (C), which diminished precipitously in monolayers overexpressing hBest1. Isc (D) was calculated from TEP and TER. Data are representative of ≥4 experiments.