Table 1 of Wang, Mol Vis 2015; 21:194-200.

Table 1. Clinical features of affected family members.

Patient ID II:1 II:6 III:7 III:9 III:11 III:12
Age (year) 62 54 30 28 24 22
Sex M F F F F M
Ocular system
Ectopia lentis + OCL* + + + +
Myopia + OCL* + + + +
Exotropia + + + + + +
Glacouma - + - - - -
Retinal detachment - + - - - -
Cardiovascular system
Aortic root dimension (mm) 30.2 29.3 28.5 27.8 27.6 28.4
Mitral valve prolapse + - - - - -
Aortic aneurysm + - - - - -
Skeletal system
Height (H: cm) 172 165 164 165 166 171
Arm span (AS: cm) 175 170 170 171 170 176
AS/H 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.02 1.03
Scoliosis - + - - - -
Arachnodactyly + + + + + +
Joint hypermobility - - - - - -
Pectus excavatum + + - - + +
Pectus carinatum - - + + - -
Other manifestations
Hyperextensible skin + + + + + +
Striae + + + + + +
Hernia - - - - - -