Table 1 of Yamada, Mol Vis 2015; 21:1328-1339.

Table 1. Monoclonal antibodies to CS/DS proteoglycans used in this study detailing their specificity and references describing their characterization.

Antibody Isotype Specificity Reference
3-B-3 IgM native CS/DS sulphation epitopes;
also, C-6-S neoepitope “stubs”after digestion with chondroitinase [31,33]
3-C-5 IgG native CS/DS sulphation epitopes [22,31,35]
4-C-3 IgM native CS/DS sulphation epitopes [22,31,35]
6-C-3 IgM native CS/DS sulphation epitopes [22,31,35]
7-D-4 IgM native CS/DS sulphation epitopes [22,31,35]