Table 4 of Briggs, Mol Vis 2015; 21:1162-1172.

Table 4. Correlation of measured analytes and MMP/TIMP ratios to age for cataract control and POAG samples.

Analyte/ratio Cataract POAG
r-value p-value N r-value p-value N
TIMP1 0.492 0.015 24 −0.012 0.949 17
TIMP3 0.413 0.045 24 0.011 0.962 20
MMP1 0.388 0.055 25 0.115 0.612 22
MMP3 0.537 0.006 25 0.052 0.814 23
MMP2/TIMP4 −0.104 0.686 15 0.443 0.087 16
MMP3/TIMP1 0.529 0.010 23 0.346 0.173 17
MMP3/TIMP2 0.492 0.017 23 −0.045 0.855 19
MMP9/TIMP4 0.509 0.055 17 0.074 0.785 16