Table 6 of Nasir, Mol Vis 2014; 20:822-835.

Table 6. Effect of microemulsion and liposomal formulation of tocotrienol (0.03%) on the lenticular protein during 4 weeks period of treatment (Study 2: anticataract efficacy of microemulsion versus liposome).

Groups Total protein(mg/g lens weight) Soluble protein (mg/g lens weight) Insoluble protein (mg/g lens weight) Soluble: Insoluble protein (Ratio)
Normal 523.43±37.6 491.06±25.8 32.37±17.3 17.23±7.7
VE 428.61±45.7 a 340.40±49.1 a 88.21±30.7 a 4.33±1.7 a
VL 422.08±76.4 a 344.25±78.8 a 77.83±19.0 a 4.45±0.3 a
0.03% TTE 556.88±116.4 b 524.61±130.8 b 32.28±15.3 b 18.77±6.6 b
0.03% TTL 529.96±30.8 c 499.60±42.3 c 30.36±13.5 c 18.58±6.0 c