Table 1 of Fei, Mol Vis 2014; 20:395-409.

Table 1. All sequence variants of known FEVR disease causing genes in patients with familial exudative vitreoretinopathy.

Patient Gene (chromosome) Chromosome start and end (hg19) referred base altered base homozygous/
heterozygous region change Nucleotide variant Effect dbSNP132
Patient 1 FZD4 (chr11) 86657520 A G het UTR3 rs713065
86658244 CAAA - het UTR3 rs34325935
86658245 CAAACAAA - het UTR3
86660449 A - het UTR3
86660612 C G hom UTR3 rs4944641
86660886 G A hom UTR3 rs3802892
(chr11) 68131167 A T hom intron rs10791978
68154032 G A het exon 6 nonsynonym-ous SNV c.1264G>A p.A422T
68171013 T C hom exon 8 synonymous SNV c.1647T>C p.F549F rs545382
68174122 G A hom exon 9 synonymous SNV c.1932G>A p.E644E rs2277268
68177614 T C hom intron rs4988322
68179032 A C het exon 11 nonsynonym-ous SNV c.2447A>C p.Q816P
68179125 C T hom intron rs2242339
68192690 G A het exon 15 synonymous SNV c.3357G>A p.V1119V rs556442
68204445 C T het exon 19 synonymous SNV p.D1363D rs3736229
68206173 T C het intron rs901824
(chr7) 120428607 G A hom UTR3 rs41622
120428799 C A hom exon 8 synonymous SNV c.765G>T p.P255P rs41623
120450658 G A hom intron rs7805733
120450678 - CA hom intron rs112555207
Father of Patient 1 FZD4
(chr11) 86657520 A G het UTR3 rs713065
86658244 CAAA - het UTR3 rs34325935
86660449 A - het UTR3
86660612 C G hom UTR3 rs4944641
86660886 G A het UTR3 rs3802892
(chr11) 68131167 A T hom intron rs10791978
68154032 G A het exon 6 nonsynonym-ous SNV c.1264G>A p.A422T
68171013 T C hom exon 8 synonymous SNV c.1647T>C p.F549F rs545382
68174122 G A het exon 9 synonymous SNV c.1932G>A p.E644E rs2277268
68177319 A - het intron
68177614 T C het intron rs4988322
68179125 C T het intron rs2242339
68179166 A G hom intron rs689179
68192690 G A hom exon 15 synonymous SNV c.3357G>A p.V1119V rs556442
(chr7) 120428607 G A hom UTR3 rs41622
120428799 C A hom exon 8 synonymous SNV c.765G>T p.P255P rs41623
120450658 G A hom intron rs7805733
120450678 - CA het intron rs112555207
120450710 GT - het intron
Patient 2 FZD4
(chr11) 86660449 A - het UTR3
86660612 C G hom UTR3 rs4944641
(chr11) 68131167 A T hom intron rs10791978
68170985 T C het exon 8 nonsynonym-ous SNV c.1619T>C p.L540P
68171013 T C hom exon 8 synonymous SNV c.1647T>C p.F549F rs545382
68179166 A G hom intron rs689179
68181208 C T het exon 12 nonsynonym-ous SNV c.2555C>T p.T852M
68192690 G A hom exon 15 synonymous SNV c.3357G>A p.V1119V rs556442
(chr7) 120428607 G A hom UTR3 rs41622
120428799 C A hom exon 8 synonymous SNV c.765G>T p.P255P rs41623
120450658 G A hom intron rs7805733
120450679 CA - hom intron
120498053 - A het UTR5
Mother of Patient 2 FZD4
(chr11) 86660886 G A het UTR3 rs3802892
(chr11) 68131167 A T hom intron rs10791978
68170985 T C het exon 8 nonsynonym-ous SNV c.1619T>C p.L540P
68171013 T C hom exon 8 synonymous SNV c.1647T>C p.F549F rs545382
68179166 A G hom intron rs689179
68192690 G A hom exon 15 synonymous SNV c.3357G>A p.V1119V rs556442
(chr7) 120428607 G A hom UTR3 rs41622
120428799 C A hom exon 8 synonymous SNV c.765G>T p.P255P rs41623
120450658 G A hom intron rs7805733
120450679 CA - het intron
120450680 CACA - het intron
120498053 - A het UTR5