Table 2 of Mary-Sinclair, Mol Vis 2014; 20:215-230.

Table 2. Summary of ocular phenotype in chimeric mice.

ID Tail DNA (% Arf null) Eye “Clinical” findings Eye Grade RLM
D 8.9 R lightly increased density in the center - -
L normal L N
L 24.3 R small mass behind the lens L N
L normal L N
A 33 R medium sized pigmented membrane M Y
L pigmented membrane covers 1/4 of the area M Y
H 36.1 R small area of increased density L N
L pigmented membrane M N
I 36.2 R increased density in small area in the center - -
L pigmented membrane at the lower half M Y
C 43.6 R lightly increased density in the center - -
L lightly increased density in the center - -
B 49.2 R medium sized pigmented membrane - -
L medium sized pigmented membrane - -
M 51.3 R dense circle in the center M N
L pigmented membrane occupying 2/3 of the area M Y
G 65.3 R pigmented membrane H Y
L fibrous membrane at the lower half H Y
K 72.9 R big pigmented membrane - Y
L big pigmented membrane H Y
E 76 R big pigmented membrane H Y
L big pigmented membrane H Y
F 99.9 R opaque lens, some pigmentation behind the lens - -
L 1/3 is covered by pigmented membrane, fibrous - -
J 88.6 R big pigmented membrane - -
L big fibrous membrane - -