Table 1 of Wawrocka, Mol Vis 2014; 20:1732-1739.

Table 1. Identified CNGA3 gene mutations.

Patient Mutation Effect of mutation Allelic state References
p5 c.829C>T (allele 1) p.R277C heterozygous Wissinger et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2001
c.1641C>A (allele 2) p.F547L heterozygous Kohl et al., Nat Genet., 1998
p6 c.829C>T (allele 1) p.R277C heterozygous Wissinger et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2001
c.1641C>A (allele 2) p.F547L heterozygous Kohl et al., Nat Genet., 1998
p7 c.1641C>A p.F547L homozygous Kohl et al., Nat Genet., 1998
p8 c.829C>T (allele 1) p.R277C heterozygous Wissinger et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2001
c.847C>T (allele 2) p.R283W heterozygous Kohl et al., Nat Genet., 1998
p9 c.1641C>A p.F547L homozygous Kohl et al., Nat Genet., 1998
p10 c.830G>A p.R277H homozygous Wissinger et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2001