Table 2 of Yalcinbayir, Mol Vis 2014; 20:1357-1365.

Table 2. Median concentrations with minimum and maximum values of amino acids (µM) and VEGF (pg/ml) of different groups of the study, and p values.

Control 0-10 group 11-30 group 31+ group p
Alanine 896 (125-1842) 399 (220-677) 496 (213-1139) 378 (248 - 507) 0.030*
Aspartate 47 (6-70) 77 (49-101) 87 (57 - 130) 97 (0 - 141) 0.004*
Citrulline 9 (5-27) 37 (18-92) 33 (13-102) 32 (26-63) 0.002*
Glutamate 20 (10-82) 59 (7-161) 96 (33-419) 139 (60-546) <0.001*
Glutamine 3386 (714-4698) 2908 (1205-4956) 2660 (1486-3738) 2077 (1295-3602) 0.149
Glycine 56 (15-196) 139 (66-216) 162 (77-298) 192 (93-235) 0.006*
İsoleucine 220 (39-317) 93 (37-162) 67 (53-142) 58 (38-73) 0.005*
Leucine 584 (93-737) 214 (93-407) 160 (113-405) 118 (90-169) 0.003*
Methionine 84 (12-133) 24 (10-71) 24 (16-87) 14 (11-40) 0.003*
Phenylalanine 356 (66-469) 83 (48-259) 91 (32-311) 64 (44-94) 0.002*
Serine 501 (96-733) 322 (179-773) 385 (0-567) 344 (0-464) 0.262
Taurine 79 (26-146) 86 (30-145) 110 (47-172) 80 (0-162) 0.498
Threonine 385 (77-519) 193 (29-438) 208 (0-389) 171 (0-274) 0.030*
Tyrosine 365 (58-399) 109 (52-266) 109 (54-337) 76 (47-121) 0.005*
Valine 909 (140-1277) 310 (131-710) 216 (158.696) 165 (130 - 288) 0.002*
VEGF 2.5 (1-9.10) 25.7 (4.6 - 1775) 25.15 (1-3130) 68.75 (3.6-177.6) 0.004*