Table 3 of Smith, Mol Vis 2014; 20:1328-1356.

Table 3. Antibodies against acetylcholine receptors

Antibody (antigen) Species Catalog No. Supplier
α1, α3, α5 nAChR A synthetic peptide corresponding to the main immunogenic region on the extracellular surface of muscle α1 AChR subunit, as well as the α3 and α5 subunits of human neuronal AChRs. The antibody binds the α1 subunit weakly when the protein is denatured, but can only detect the α3 and α5 subunit in native forms. rat mAb 210
(1:200 IHC) Gift of Dr Jon Lindstrom, University of Pennsylvania
rat AB24719
(1:1000 Western) Abcam, Cambridge MA
α9 nAChR A synthetic peptide corresponding to the N-terminal region of the human nAChR α9 protein. rabbit AB49065
(1:100 IHC)
(1:1000 Western) Abcam, Cambridge MA
m1 mAChR A Glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein corresponding to a part of the i3 intracellular loop of human m1 mAChR protein (227–353). rabbit AB5164
(1:100 IHC)
(1:50 Western) Chemicon, Temecula CA
m2 mAChR A GST fusion protein corresponding to a part of the i3 intracellular loop of the m2 receptor (225–359). rat mAB367
(1:100 IHC)
(1:100 Western) Chemicon, Temecula CA
Choline Acetyltransferase/ChAT Protein corresponding to the human placental enzyme. goat AB144P
(1:200 IHC) Chemicon, Temecula CA