Figure 2 of Smith, Mol Vis 2014; 20:1328-1356.

Figure 2. 2.5% agarose gel of the acetylcholine receptor qPCR products. (Left) Products obtained from wild-type (WT) mouse retinal RNA extracts using custom-designed primers for α2–α7, α9, α10, and β2–β4 nAChR subunits as well as m1–m5 mAChR subtypes are shown. Products (Right) obtained from α7 nAChR knockout (KO) mouse retinal RNA extracts using primers for α6 and α7 nAChR subunits. Each qPCR product has a single band of the expected size. As expected, there is no band present for the qPCR product from the reaction containing the α7 nAChR primer and the α7 nAChR KO mRNA. *p<0.05, (n=8).