Table 2 of Johnson, Mol Vis 2014; 20:1228-1242.

Table 2. Mean (± standard deviation) of areas (AUC’s) under the model-independent concentration curves of each of the 15 subjects for measures of serum levels of β-carotene and α-tocopherol, and plasma levels of vitamin C, zinc and copper and for each dosage form (Mean of the AUC’s).

Mean AUC, µmol/l*h Single Softgel(1/2 full dose) 2 Softgels(full dose) 4 Tablets
β-Carotene 12.9±11.9a 20.6±24.8 29.2±17.7a
α-Tocopherol 1274±708b 1827±1274 1894±741b
Ascorbic Acid 2266±1282 3169±1383 2799±1217
Zinc 746±155 730±216 726±200
Copper 534±177 608±348 602±263