Table 1 of Lee, Mol Vis 2014; 20:1037-1047.

Table 1. Clinical characteristics of the study subjects.

Case No. Age
/Sex Tumor location
(T stage*) Cp Initial treatment Response to treatment Response
to Doxycycline Follow-up-(month)
P1 64/F Lacrimal gland (2b) + Doxy CR Yes 13
P2 39/F Conjunctiva (1b) + Doxy CR Yes 24
P3 43/M Orbit (2c) + Doxy SD No 17
P4 51/M Conjunctiva (1b) + Doxy PD No 36
P5 53/F Conjunctiva and orbit (2a) + Doxy SD No 20
P6 29/F Conjunctiva (1b) + Doxy - 4
N1 29/F Conjunctiva (1b) - Doxy CR Yes 34
N2 49/M Orbit (2c) - Doxy SD No 15
N3 79/F Conjunctiva (1b) - Doxy PR Yes 15
N4 48/M Orbit and eyelid (3) - RT CR - 4
N5 68/F Orbit (2c) - - - - -
N6 30/F Conjunctiva (1b) - Doxy - - -