1Institute of Medical Genetics, University of Zürich, Rämistr. 74,
CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
2Department of Ophthalmology, Kantonsspital Luzern, 6000 Luzern 16,
3University Eye Hospital Basel, Mittlere Str. 91, 4012 Basel, Switzerland
*To whom correspondence should be addressed (E-mail: weigell@medgen.unizh.ch, Telephone +41-1-2572521, FAX +41-1-2620470).
Purpose: Mutations in the retinal degeneration slow
(RDS)/peripherin gene have been shown to be associated with pattern
dystrophy of the retina (PDR) and other retinal dystrophies. The aim of
our study was to confirm or exclude the RDS locus and the rhodopsin
(RHO) locus as the disease causing locus in a large Swiss family
affected with pattern dystrophy of the retina.
Materials and Methods: A Swiss family with 14 members across 3
generations affected with PDR was examined. Eleven living family
members were investigated using 6 markers surrounding the RDS and RHO
Results: Linkage to two possible candidate genes, the RDS gene on
chromosome 6p and the rhodopsin gene on chromosome 3q, could be
Conclusions: The family provides evidence for genetic
heterogeneity of PDR and is in agreement with heterogeneity in other
retinal dystrophies. Further investigations are in progress to map the
gene causing PDR in this family.
Pattern dystrophy of the retina (PDR) represents a clinically defined
subgroup within photoreceptor dystrophies. Lesions predominate in
the central fundus and exhibit considerable phenotypic heterogeneity.
Different phenotypes have been observed in the same family (1, 2, 3) and age-dependent expression of the different alterations has
been described (4). Common characteristics of PDR include autosomal
dominant inheritance, electrophysiological changes (manifested mainly in
the electrooculogram), and a fair to good visual prognosis. Fluorescein
angiography is a sensitive tool for the confirmation of PDR.
Recently, mutations in the retinal degeneration slow (RDS)/peripherin
gene on chromosome 6p were found to be associated with retinitis
pigmentosa, macular dystrophies, fundus flavimaculatus, retinitis punctata
albescens and pattern dystrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (5, 6, 7,
8, 9). The RDS gene is expressed in rods and cones of the retina, but its
function is still unknown (10). Interestingly, in one family the same
mutation resulted in different phenotypes including retinitis pigmentosa,
pattern dystrophy and fundus flavimaculatus (11).
Mutations in the rhodopsin (RHO) gene were found in about 25% of patients
with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa and in an unknown percentage
having congenital stationary night blindness (9). More than 60 different
mutations in this gene have been described. Although rhodopsin is only
expressed in rods, mutations in this photoreceptor protein affect both rods
and cones (12). The RHO gene has to be considered as another possible
candidate gene/locus for PDR.
With the rapidly growing knowledge of genes responsible for inherited
eye disorders, genetic heterogeneity has been documented for several
photoreceptor dystrophies (13), but not for PDR. As part of an ongoing
study, a large Swiss familiy affected with autosomal dominant PDR was
investigated (4). The aim of the present study was to exclude or confirm
the involvement of RDS or RHO in the pathogenesis of PDR in this family.
Additionally, studying retinal PDR may contribute to a better
understanding of age related macular degeneration.
Figure 1 shows a part of the pedigree of
a large Swiss family with more than 80 living members. All family members
who participated in the study (n=64) underwent a thorough examination
including medical and ophthalmic history, measurements of best
corrected visual acuity and intraocular pressure, slit-lamp, and
fundus examinations. Patients with suspicious findings were further
investigated by fluorescein angiography. Ages of the patients at the
time of clinical examination ranged from 32 to 67 years. The male/female
ratio of affected family members was 4:3. Pattern dystrophy could be
confirmed in 13 family members. Eight of these patients, aged 32 to 67
years, had no symptoms (4).
Figure 1
Blood was taken from 11 patients, 11 spouses, and 32 unaffected family
members. Younger mutation carriers possibly were still asymptomatic.
Persons under the age of 30 years were excluded from the analysis.
Informed consent was obtained >from all individuals. Molecular analysis
was performed in 23 probands as shown in Figure 1. Blood from one patient (III-1 in
pedigree) was first obtained recently; as no further information was
expected from this investigation, it was tested with only one marker.
Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral leucocytes using standard
techniques. Key individuals were typed for intragenic markers of RDS
(14) and RHO (15) and for closely linked microsatellite markers D6S426
(5cM) and D6S271 (1cM) (16) on chromosome 6p and D3S1290 (3cM) and
D3S1292 (3cM) (17) on chromosome 3q. Polymerase chain reaction
conditions were 50-100 ng genomic DNA, 10mM Tris HCl, 50 mM KCl, 0.01%
gelatin, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 200 mM of each dNTP, 10 pMol of each
primer and 1 unit Taq polymerase (Stähelin) in a total volume of 25
µl. Cycling conditions were initial denaturation at 94oC for
2 minutes followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94oC for
30 s, annealing at 56oC for 30 s, synthesis of 1 min at
72oC followed by a final elongation at 72oC for 5
min. PCR products were visualized on a polyacrylamide gel by
autoradiography or silver staining.
Linkage analysis was performed under the assumption of equal marker
allele frequencies, a disease gene frequency of 0.0001 and a penetrance
of 90% or 100%. Two point linkage analysis and multipoint linkage
analysis were carried out using the MLINK or the LINKMAP programs of the
LINKAGE package (18, 19).
At the RDS locus, 9 out of 10 patients shared the same allele, but
segregation analysis showed that 2 patients must have inherited this allele
>from the unaffected parent. The results of two point linkage analysis
definitely excluded the RDS locus from being the responsible gene (see
table 1), irrespective of whether penetrance was assumed to be 90% or 100%.
Further support for exclusion of the RDS locus is given by the flanking
microsatellites D6S426 and D6S271 (see table 1). Multipoint exclusion
mapping excludes the region between markers D6S426 and D6S271, which
includes the RDS gene (data not shown).
At the RHO locus, all 10 affected probands shared the same allele.
Segregation analysis showed that one patient inherited this allele from his
healthy parent. In addition to this result, the flanking markers D3S1290
and D3S1292 did not provide evidence for linkage to RHO. The region around
D3S1290 (4 cM) and D3S1292 (13 cM) could be definitely excluded,
considering a lod score of Z=-2 as a significant exclusion criteria. No positive
lod score was obtained with markers RHO and D3S1292 (see table 1)
assuming 100% penetrance.
Table 1: Lod scores between disease phenotype and different loci
(theta = recombination fraction, penetrance = 100%)
Hereditary retinopathies including PDR and retinitis pigmentosa present a
unique opportunity for studying phenomena like pleiotropy, phenotypic
diversity based on allelic series, and non-allelic heterogeneity.
We investigated a large Swiss family affected by PDR. The intention of this
study was to exclude or confirm RDS or RHO from being involved in the
pathogenesis of the disease in our family.
The results of linkage analysis definitely excludes the RDS gene from being
the responsible gene in this family and thus provides evidence for genetic
heterogeneity of PDR.
These data supplement at least seven previous studies that have shown RDS mutations
to be responsible for fundus changes that resemble PDR. A point
mutation in codon 167 and a two base pair frameshift deletion including
codons 299/300 of the RDS gene have been described in PDR families (20,
21). Patients with these 2 mutations clinically presented with
butterfly-shaped pigment dystrophy. Deletions of either codon 153 or 154
were shown to result in various phenotypes including retinitis pigmentosa,
pattern dystrophy and fundus flavimaculatus in one family (11). A four base
pair insertion in codon 140 resulted in a variable expression of fundus
changes (22, 23). Remarkable clinical heterogeneity was further shown in
patients with a frameshift deletion in codon 307 and with a missense
mutation in codon 216 of the RDS gene (24, 25).
In a recent study of a family with eleven patients affected by PDR (21),
the patients were shown to exhibit mutations in the RDS gene. Linkage
analysis was performed in this family using the same intragenic
microsatellite marker that we used. There was no recombination event and a
positive Lod score of Z=2.4 at theta=0 was obtained in this family compared
to at least one recombination event and a lod score of Z=-inf at theta=0 in
our family.
We also investigated the RHO gene which is involved in a considerable
proportion of patients with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (9).
Despite low informativeness of the intragenic microsatellite marker we were
able to exclude RHO as the disease causing locus.
Moreover, a family was recently reported in whom the clinical pictures of
affected members resembled North Carolina macular dystrophy. Linkage to
several loci (including the RDS gene) could be excluded. Interestingly, in
three of five patients the fundus abnormalities and fluorescein angiography
closely resembled those of pattern dystrophy and could thus support our
findings of genetic heterogeneity (26).
We conclude that PDR can be caused by a gene or genes other than RDS. To our
knowledge the study of this family provides the first evidence for genetic heterogeneity in pattern
dystrophy of the retina.
This work was supported by Swiss National Foundation grant 32-042 125 and
in part by the Julius Klaus Foundation.
We are obliged to Prof. A. Schinzel for helpful comments on this
manuscript. We thank Prof. B. H. F. Weber (Institut für
Humangenetik, Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg) for
primer RDS, Dr. M. Hergersberg for support in the lab, and Mrs. Cathy
Haeberlin for carefully reading the manuscript.
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Pedigree of the Swiss PDR family.
Markers 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
RDS locus
RDS inf -0.413 0.018 0.108 0.054
D6S426 inf -0.731 0.085 0.220 0.096
D6S271 inf -0.900 -0.198 0.002 0.019
RHO locus
RHO inf -0.729 -0.276 -0.100 -0.024
D3S1290 inf -0.509 0.022 0.133 0.065
D3S1292 inf -1.304 -0.498 -0.183 -0.044