Figure 6 of Uchiyama, Mol Vis 2013; 19:2135-2150.

Figure 6. The central opacity and neovascularization of the cornea after alkali burn injury. The presence of thrombomodulin-positive capillaries (neovascularization) and photographs of the anterior segment in the alkali-burned cornea. Representative photomicrographs of neovascularization (arrow) in the vehicle (A, C) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) (B, D) groups on day 7 (A, B) and day 14 (C, D) after alkali injury (AD: thrombomodulin [TM] stain, scale bar: 100 μm) showed that, in the vehicle and PPARγ groups, neovascularization was prominent in the peripheral regions of the cornea on day 7 and in the central regions of the cornea on day 14. Macroscopically, the central opacity and neovascularization of the cornea were less prominent in the PPARγ group (F) than in the vehicle group (E) on day 14. The degree of neovascularization was less prominent in the PPARγ group than in the vehicle group. G: The number of TM-positive capillary lumens per 400X high-power fields in the cornea showed that the neovascularization in the cornea was significantly inhibited in the PPARγ group compared to the vehicle group on days 4 and 7 in the alkali-burned cornea. The results are presented as the means±standard errors. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, compared with the vehicle group.