Table 1 of Veiga-Crespo, Mol Vis 2013; 19:904-916.

Table 1. Clusters of pRGCs.

pRGC cluster Soma area/ µm2 Dendritic field area/ µm2 N of cells/ cluster
A1 410±81 105,038±24,383 9
A2 241±74 77,210±6,594 5
B1 276±49 25,530±10,542 23
B2 191±28 15,941±5,232 23
B3 176±11 6,838±2,503 10
C1 120±20 19,312±8,133 25
C2 122±19 5,056±2,507 35
C3 89±12 15,773±5028 8
C4 73±21 3,911±2,218 32