Table 2 of Mohanty, Mol Vis 2013; 19:78-84.

Table 2. Summary of variations reported for LTBP2 gene (Ensembl)

Number of variants Type of variations Description of variations
1267 ALL All variations
4 Essential splice site In the first 2 or the last 2 base pairs of an intron
9 Stop gained In coding sequence, resulting in the gain of a stop codon
14 Frameshift coding In coding sequence, resulting in a frameshift
344 Non-synonymous coding In coding sequence and results in an amino acid change in the encoded peptide sequence
32 Splice site 1–3 bps into an exon or 3–8 bps into an intron
251 Synonymous coding In coding sequence, not resulting in an amino acid change (silent mutation)
2 Coding unknown In coding sequence within determinate effect
13 5 prime UTR In 5 prime untranslated region
27 3 prime UTR In 3 prime untranslated region
555 Intronic In intron
332 NMD transcript Located within a transcript predicted to undergo nonsense-mediated decay
99 Within non-coding gene Located within a gene that does not code for a protein
2 Upstream Within 5 kb upstream of the 5 prime end of a transcript
11 Downstream Within 5 kb downstream of the 3 prime end of a transcript