Figure 1 of Zhao, Mol Vis 2013; 19:751-758.

Figure 1. Identification of two FBN1 mutations in two Chinese families (MF1 and MF2) with MFS. A: In the pedigrees of MF1 and MF2, men and women are symbolized by squares and circles, and affected and unaffected members are represented by filled and open symbols, respectively. A diagonal line through the pedigree symbol indicates a deceased individual, and an arrow indicates the proband. The asterisk at the upper left of the pedigree symbol indicates participation in the study. Haplotypes for the FBN1 locus are shown, with filled boxes representing affected haplotypes and white boxes indicating unaffected haplotypes. B: Sequence chromatograms from normal (wild-type) and affected (mutant) members in kindreds MF1 and MF2 are shown. Arrows indicate the locations of the point mutations.