Table 1 of Cénit, Mol Vis 2013; 19:638-643.

Table 1. Clinical and demographic features of uveitis patients.

General characteristics of uveitis patients All patients n=217
Female (%) 113 (52.1)
Age (mean ± SD) 46.3±15.48
Intermediate Uveitis (%) 38 (17.5)
Posterior Uveitis (%) 104 (47.9)
Panuveitis (%) 56 (25.8)
Bilateral affection (%) 149 (68.7)
Vitritis (%) 135 (62.2)
Macular edema (%) 89 (41.0)
Retinal vasculitis (%) 83 (38.2)
Choroidal neovascularization (%) 20 (9.2)