Table 1 of Grothe, Mol Vis 2013; 19:593-603.

Table 1. Comparison of the molecular properties of WT and mutant TGFBIp.

Molecular properties WT R124C R555W
Emax 329.3±0.7 nm 333.6±0.9 nm 333.8±1.9 nm
Urea resistance(Emax shift) Yes(~4 nm) Partial(~10 nm) Partial(~10 nm)
[GndHCl]1/2 3.6±0.1 M 2.8±0.2 M 3.0±0.1 M
I- quenching + + + + + +
Highest concentration 4 mg/ml 0.2 mg/ml 0.2 mg/ml
H2O2-induced increaseof ANS fluorescence - + +
H2O2-induced increaseof ThT fluorescence - + +