Table 5 of Anderson, Mol Vis 2013; 19:581-592.

Table 5. Summary of tandem mass spectral data for selected ion at m/z 794.6a, PC(18:0/18:1)Li+.

Observed m/z Identificationa Molecular Formula Theoretical m/z
451.283 [M-59-(18:0)+H]+ C23H41LiO6P+ 451.280
506.364 [M-(18:1)+H]+ C26H53NO6P+ 506.361
510.355 [M-(18:0)+Li]+ C26H50LiNO6P+ 510.353
605.555 [M-183+H]+ C39H73O4+ 605.550
611.564 [M-183+Li]+ C39H72LiO4+ 611.559
735.560 [M-59+Li]+ C41H77LiO8P+ 735.551
794.638 [M+Li]+ C44H86LiNO8P+ 794.625