Figure 2 of Gross, Mol Vis 2013; 19:54-61.

Figure 2. Effect of cationic liposomes on choroidal neovascularization (CNV). CNV was induced by laser coagulation. Test and control substances were injected in the tail vein every second day. Ten days after laser coagulation, mice were perfused with FITC-dextran and scleral flatmounts were prepared. A: While trehalose resulted in a large circular neovascularized area (surrounded by a red dashed line), the CNV of cationic liposomes (CL) and Taxol was smaller. EndoTAG-1 and LipoSPA resulted in a small vascularized area around a central hole (surrounded by the inner red dashed line) produced by the laser spot that was not filled in with new vessels as in the control. Sometimes, the center of the hole showed a homogeneous fluorescent signal originating from fluorescent tissues like muscles outside the choroid. B: Compared to the trehalose control, all test substances resulted in reduced mean CNV areas. While CL or Taxol reduced the mean CNV area for trehalose to about 50%, EndoTAG-1 or LipoSPA reduced the mean CNV areas further. The differences between trehalose and EndoTAG-1 or LipoSPA were significant (indicated by asterisks). The mean size of up to six laser lesions (three per eye) was calculated for each mouse, and the means and standard errors of each group consisting of six to eight mice are indicated in the graph. P values calculated by ANOVA and Tukey correction: Trehalose/LipoSPA: 0.0121, Trehalose/EntoTAG1: 0.0082.