Table 2 of You, Mol Vis 2013; 19:509-515.

Table 2. Age Distribution for Control and KC Patients. A significant difference was detected between control and KC groups, no statistical analysis was performed within KC groups due to the small sample size.

Groups Age (years) Mean±SDa
<20 20 to 30 >30  
Control 0 20 (60%)b 13 30.9±7.5
KC 7 19 (58%)b 7 25.8±6.7
Age distribution within KC grade
KC Grades Age (years) Mean±SDc
<20 20 to 30 >30
1 0 0 1 38
2 4 4 2 24.6±8.2
3 2 5 1 24±5.6
4 1 10 3 26.7±5.5