Table 3 of Tea, Mol Vis 2013; 19:501-508.

Table 3. Expression of five small ncRNAs and miRNAs relative to a standard pool tested for stability between rat strains.

Assay Expression relative to the standard pool in F344 rats Expression relative to the standard pool in SD rats Difference in mean expression between F344 and SD rats p value
U6 snRNA 0.48 (±0.13) 0.45 (±0.13) 0.03 0.70
miR-16 0.66 (±0.33) 0.56 (±0.23) 0.10 0.50
U87 0.93 (±0.19) 0.90 (±0.21) 0.03 0.56
4.5S RNA(H) “Variant 1” 0.96 (±0.08) 0.90 (±0.21) 0.06 0.47
5S rRNA 0.63 (±1.13) 0.47 (±0.39) 0.16 0.53