Table 1 of Tea, Mol Vis 2013; 19:501-508.

Table 1. Small ncRNA suitability as reference genes for normalization of miRNA expression in rat retinal samples.

Small ncRNA Species reactivity Assay ID Amplification efficiency in rat retina Order of magnitude R2 value Mean Ct
4.5S RNA(H)*
“Variant 1” Rat 001716 49.3% 2.4 1.00 24.1
4.5S RNA(H)*
“Variant 5” Rat 001717 ND – low abundance ND ND ND
snoRNA202* Mouse 001232 ND – low abundance ND ND ND
snoRNA* Rat 001718 ND – low abundance ND ND ND
U6 snRNA* Human, mouse and rat 001973 56.2% 4.2 1.00 20.9
RNU6B* Human 001093 ND – low abundance ND ND ND
Y1* Rat 001727 ND – low abundance ND ND ND
U87* Rat 001712 62.0% 2.4 0.98 23.8
5S rRNA Rat N/A 92.5% 4.0 0.98 23.0
hsa-miR-16 + Human, mouse and rat 000391 77.5% 4.2 0.98 24.2
mmu-miR-379+ Human, mouse and rat 001138 ND – low abundance ND ND ND
hsa-miR-191+ Human, mouse and rat 002299 ND – low abundance ND ND ND
hsa-let-7d+ Human, mouse and rat 002283 ND – low abundance ND ND ND