Table 4 of Micheal, Mol Vis 2013; 19:441-xxx.

Table 4. MMP-9 SNP genotype frequencies in POAG and PACG patients and unaffected controls

Controlsn=118 (%) POAGn=112 (%) p (χ2) p (χ2) OR (95% CI) PACG
n=82 (%) p (χ2) p (χ2) OR (95% CI)
MMP-9 = c.-1562C>T
CC 74(62.7) 70 (62.5) 0.24 (2.85) Reference 56(68.3) 0.23 (2.93) Reference
CT 37(31.3) 40(35.7) 0.22 (0.63) 1.14 (0.63-2.06) 25(30.5) 0.71 (0.13) 0.89 (0.46-1.73)
TT 7(6) 2(1.8) 0.12 (2.37) 0.30 (0.04-1.67) 1(1.2) 0.08 (2.91) 0.19 (0.01-0.60)
MMP-9 = c.836A>G 
AA 40 (33.9) 26(23.2) 0.05 (5.75) Reference 15(18.3) <0.001 (12.13) Reference
AG 53(44.9) 48(42.9) 0.30 (1.07) 1.39 (0.71-2.75) 32(39.0) 0.20 (1.61) 1.61 (0.72-3.60)
GG 25(21.2) 38(33.9) 0.01 (5.64) 2.34 (1.09-5.05) 35(42.7) <0.001 (11.27) 3.73 (1.59-8.86)