Table 1 of Arpitha, Mol Vis 2013; 19:319-332.

Table 1. TIRF analysis of E-cadherin particle internalization.

E-Cadherin Particle Movement a
Straight distance
Straight distance

Fast moving particles in long straight path
% No. of fast moving internalized particles
(i)% Total of fast moving particles (ii) %Subset of fast moving particles
HCLE 7.292±0.54 15.368±1.03 29.211±6.70% 26.90±3.60%
ShCdk5 10.508±0.87* 19.541±1.02 39.105±4.34%* 41.269±9.28%
Olomoucine 10.74±0.53* 18.434±0.64 57.653±14.60%* 36.633±4.08%*