Table 1 of Dikmetas, Mol Vis 2013; 19:2571-2578.

Table 1. Clinical features

Variables Good response average (Interval; n=96) Bad response average (Interval; n=97) p value
Initial VA (Letters) 41.34 (10–64) 52.89 (26–82) 0.094
Final VA (Letters) 57.83(28–89) 36.29 (8–59) 0.018
Initial CMT (µm) 213.40
(126–494) 257.60
(115–882) 0.083
Initial lesion width (Average; mm) 3.76
(1.43–6.43) 4.46
(1.00–7.65) 0.003
Number of injections 4.02 (3–15) 4.40 (3–16) 0.654
Follow up period (Months) 13.34 (6–36) 13.28 (6–43) 0.522