Table 3 of Guggenheim, Mol Vis 2013; 19:243-253.

Table 3. Linear regression model for dependent variable corneal curvature with predictors sex, genotype at rs6554163 under an additive model, with and without height (n=1968).

A – Including height in model
Parameter Beta SE P value Partial η2
sex 0.136 0.053 9.98×10–3 0.003
height (normal score) 0.265 0.026 1.96×10–23 0.049
rs6554163 −0.163 0.037 9.19×10–6 0.010
B – Omitting height from the model
Parameter Beta SE P value Partial η2
sex 0.447 0.044 8.30×10–24 0.050
rs6554163 −0.167 0.038 1.02×10–5 0.010