Table 2 of Bowne, Mol Vis 2013; 19:2407-2417.

Table 2. SNRNP200 mutations identified

Family exon with mutations DNA change (NM_014014.4) Protein Change Previously Reported SIFT Score Polyphen
RFS048 13 c.1625 C>T p.Ala542Val Novel 0 1.00
UTAD565 16 c. 2041 C>T p. Arg681Cys Yes [11]
UTAD728 16 c. 2041 C>T p.Arg681Cys Yes [11]
RFS910 16 c. 2044 C>T p.Pro682Ser Novel 0 0.99
UTAD543 16 c. 2042G>A p. Arg681His Yes [11]
UTAD701 25 c.3260C>T p.Ser1087Leu Yes [27]
UTAD786 25 c.3260C>T p.Ser1087Leu Yes [20]