Table 2 of Zanon-Moreno, Mol Vis 2013; 19:231-242.

Table 2. Genotypic frequencies of the SLC23A2, TTPA, TAP and GPX4 SNPs in primary open glaucoma (POAG) cases and controls and association with POAG risk. Crude and multivariate estimations

Genes SNP Genotype frequencies (%) Independent analysis by SNP Multivariate model with all SNPs
Alleles* Cases Controls
(1/2) 1/1 1/2 2/2 1/1 1/2 2/2 p1 OR** (95%CI) p2 OR ***(95% CI) p3 OR^ (95%CI) p4
SLC23A2 rs1279683 A/G 11.7 47.4 40.9 16.9 54.2 28.9 0.014 1.70
(1.17–2.47) 0.005 2.11
(1.34–3.32) 0.001 2.47
(1.62–3.77) <0.001
TTPA rs6994076 T/A 22.0 46.5 31.5 22.2 49.8 28 0.673 1.19
(0.80–1.75) 0.393 1.17
(0.79–1.75) 0.429 1.38
(0.92–2.10) 0.122
TAP/SEC14L2 rs737723 G/C 19.9 47.6 32.5 28.5 50.2 21.3 0.009 1.78
(1.18–2.69) 0.006 1.73
(1.13–2.65) 0.011 2.24
(1.44–3.48) <0.001
GPX4 rs757228 G/A 29.9 50.0 20.1 24 53.3 22.7 0.325 0.85
(0.55–1.32) 0.477 0.82
(0.52–1.28) 0.371 0.80
(0.50–1.27) 0.337