Figure 3 of Park, Mol Vis 2013; 19:2068-2079.

Figure 3. Axial length shifts (goggled minus opposite eyes) from baseline in wild-type, rd1, and rd10 mice after form deprivation. A: Wild-type (WT) mice developed a weak trend for longer axial length shifts in goggled eyes compared to controls. B: Rd1 mice showed a trend for longer axial length shifts after 1 week of goggling that further increased after 2 weeks of form deprivation (FD). C: The goggled eyes of rd10 mice showed no differences compared to the naïve controls after 2 weeks of goggling. D: After 2 weeks of FD, the goggled WT and rd1 eyes had slightly longer axial length shifts from baseline compared to the naïve control eyes (WT: n=17 goggled, n=13 naïve controls; rd1: n=13 goggled, n=11 naïve controls; rd10: n=14 goggled, n=14 naïve controls). Symbols and bars represent average±standard error of the mean (SEM).