Figure 1 of Park, Mol Vis 2013; 19:2068-2079.

Figure 1. Refractive development of wild-type, rd1, and rd10 mice. A: Rd1 and rd10 mice have more hyperopic refractions compared to wild-type (WT) control mice throughout the development period (repeated-measures analysis of variance [RM-ANOVA], main effect of treatment, F(2,501)=76.3, p<0.001). No statistical differences were found between rd1 and rd10 mice (WT, n=29; rd1, n=17; rd10, n=13). B: Axial length measurements were significantly shorter by 7 weeks of age in rd1 and rd10 mice compared to WT (RM-ANOVA F(16, 252)=6.95, p<0.001; WT, n=11; rd1, n=11; rd10, n=10). Data are expressed as mean±standard error of the mean (SEM). Post-hoc analysis: *p<0.02; **p<0.001.