Table 3 of Guo, Mol Vis 2013; 19:2050-2057.

Table 3. The adjusted p values and odds ratios for age, gender, different genotypes and other various genetic models in each disease.

Parameters nAMD versus Control PCV versus Control
P OR(95%CI) P OR(95%CI)
Genotype AA - 1.00 - 1.00
GA 0.663 0.903(0.571,1.428) 0.513 1.156(0.749,1.783)
GG 0.916 1.118(0.139,8.992) 0.884 1.160(0.157,8.583)
Genetic model Dominant* 0.663 0.903(0.571,1.428) 0.513 1.156(0.749,1.783)
Recessive** 0.843 1.238(0.149,10.308) 0.997 1.004(0.132,7.655)