Table 4 of Aljohani, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1966-1984.

Table 4. Common sphingoid base -1-phosphate species between control and glaucomatous aqueous humor

Lipid Species* m/z** Average normalized lipid amount Standard error of mean Donor frequency Average normalized lipid amount Standard error of mean Fold change Donor frequency
C16 Sphingosine-1-phosphate 347.8 1067.70 438.80 2 9.10 2.60 0.008 2
C17 Sphingosine-1-phosphate 366.8 511.70 270.04 3 14.50 1.30 0.03 2
C19 Sphingosine-1-phosphate 390.6 3.90 1 8.70 3.00 2.24 2
Phytosphingosine 1-phosphate 399.2 11606.60 4449.00 2 8.60 0.001 1
Sphinganine-phosphate 382.7 8268.50 5828.50 5 28.10 9.14 0.003 4