Table 2 of Goldstein, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1871-1884.

Table 2. Homozygosity analysis, CanineHD Illumina SNP array data in 9 Basenji dogs, 6 cases and 3 controls.

# CFA Start position End position Size in Mb Homozygous block location (bp) and size (Mb) after haplotype analysis Inclusion of locus after comparing to controls
1. 6 3,018,918 5,962,902 2.94 3,692,623- 5,896,276
(2.2) No
2. 17 19,570,751 22,531,631 2.96 19,570,699- 22,673,502
(3.1) No
3. 21 5,144,127 7,870,758 2.73 5,095,371- 7,937,895
(2.84) No
4. 25 47,030,007 48,906,876 1.88 46,893,645- 48,980,899 (2.09) Yes
5. 35 14,038,185 14,818,637 0.78 14,091,098- 14,818,637 (0.73) No
Total 5 Loci 11.29 Mb